Bāla Vihār Objective
"To help children learn Values with fun,
To delight like the moon and shine like the sun".
Swami Tejomayananda
Bāla Vihār Motto
"Keep Smiling"
Bāla Vihār
The greatest boon given by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda to the younger generation is Bāla Vihār . Bāla Vihār provides a spiritual and cultural orientation to children of the modern age. The rationale of the Bāla Vihār s as elucidated by Pujya Gurudev in the "March of the future" talk is summarized below:
- To train the children and inculcate in them a reverence for our ancient culture, and inspire them to live up to it with correct understanding.
- To create self-confidence to serve and act cheerfully.
- To generate a true affection in all contacts, inculcate personal discipline and a true spirit of leadership.
- To bring out their dormant faculties and detect defects; cultivate and improve their creative abilities.
- To help children to develop a healthy resistance against temptations in the atmosphere in which they grow.
- To provide an atmosphere to grow with noble ideals, healthy emotions and physical discipline.

Need for Bāla Vihār
- The character-building of a nation must start from us, children. We are the trend-setters for future generations.
- It is we who will help establish a world of peace and harmony.
- In the absence of the Gurukula system and joint families, we are exposed to minimum of our valued culture. Add to that, our fast paced lives.
- We have no time for all this! Our elders seem to have lesser time for us.
- Balavihar is the solution where loving sevakas / sevikas teach us what we ought to know, with the love of a parent, the doting of a grand-parent and the discipline of a teacher.
- And best of all - we have fun together !
How Bāla Vihār works?
- Bāla Vihār is a group of children, meeting once a week, at a set venue, for 90 minutes, for the sole purpose of learning our precious culture, spiritual wisdom, and related values through books, stories, and games
- Bāla Vihār inculcates the values of Sanatana Dharma, as taught in our scriptures--Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta, Upanishads, Epics and Puranas-helping us to grow into responsible citizens of tomorrow.
- Bāla Vihār classes for various age groups are conducted by trained sevaks and sevikas. These voluntary dedicated workers impart to children, the glory of our rich culture, aiming at character formation and reverence for our ancient heritage.
- The high ideals and values from our great scriptures are taught in the form of stories, games, quizzes, crafts, bhajans, hymns, shlokas, skits, dances, etc.
- The current syllabus includes: Bala Ramayana, Bala Bhagavatam, Symbolism in Hinduism, Hanuman Chalisa, Why do We in Indian Culture and selected extracts from the Upanishads and the Bhagawad Geeta.
Bāla Vihār s are meant for children in the age group of 5-15 years. The Bāla Vihār s provide a spiritual and cultural orientation for children.

Gurudev said:
"Children are not buckets to be filled but lamps to be lit. Children are the architects of the future world. They are the builders of humanity. It is the most sacred task of parents as well as teachers to mould their lives in accordance with the sublime Indian tradition. The seeds of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts and the condition should be made favourable for its sprouting and steady growth by the exercise of proper control and discipline. Cared for with warmth of love and affection, such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of Brotherhood, Universal Love, Peace, Bliss, Beauty and Perfection".
Bhajans, stotrams, Geeta chanting, a knowledge and reverence for our scriptures through Puranic and epic stories, and basic values such as honesty, diligence, responsibility, valour and integrity are inculcated in children. The classes help provide a healthy atmosphere to inculcate ideals, discipline, leadership in children, as well as cultivate their creative abilities.
Our Teachers
"To transfer values to the next generation we need to imbibe them ourselves. The best preaching is in your own perfect action."
- Swami Chinmayananda

Bindu Menta
Associated since childhood
BV Coordinator - 18 years

Shanthi Rao
Associated since 14 years
BV Teacher - 14 years

Chandrapraba Sake
Associated since 3 years
BV Teacher - 1 years

Dr. Ajay Ravichandran
Associated since childhood
BV Teacher - 2 years

Vaibhav Iyer
Associated since childhood
BV Teacher - 3 years

Arthi Saran
Associated since 15 years
BV Teacher - 6 years

Shalini Yama
Associated since 5 years
BV Teacher - 3 years

Sunita Modak
Associated since 11 years
BV Teacher - 7 years

Dr. Dimple Kotwani
Associated since 7 years
BV Teacher - 3 years

Madhu Venkatachalam
Associated since childhood
BV Teacher - 16 years

Sirisha Budavarthy
Associated since 6 years
BV Teacher - 4 years

Niranjani Venkararaman
Associated since childhood
BV Teacher - 7 years

Dr. Amudha Pazhanisamy
Associated since 8 years
BV Teacher - 2 years
If I rest, I rust.
Success or achievement is not the final goal. It is the 'spirit' in which you act that puts the seal of beauty upon your life
Introspect daily, detect diligently, negate ruthlessly
Do the best and leave the rest
Efficiency is the capacity to bring proficiency into expression
Out of purity and silence come the words of power
The cultured give happiness wherever they go. The uncultured whenever they go
The highest form of grace is silence