Balavihar Activities

10 Lessons from śrīmadbhagavadgītā

On the occasion of Gita Jayanti, Markendaya class gave an excellent presentation on Why we celebrate Gita Jayanti?, Significance of Srimadbhagavadgita, Gurudev's Gita Yagnas etc., You can see their presentation and a rare video of Swami Tapovan Maharaj here..

Bala Vihar Activities

Children's Camp

A special feature of Chinmaya Archana is our spiritual camps for children during weekends and school holidays with entertaining, thought provoking themes and subjects. These camps provide booster doses of inspiration. They offer time for bonding among the children.

Fosters teamwork, friendship and leadership, the camps are highly interactive and specifically fashioned for specific age groups.


Movie Nite

Movies is one of the most powerful tools we have today. movie communicates beyond the head and finds home in the heart. A story connects us to a truth that is inescapable, an emotion that is an experience that is unforgettable.


Lock In

This is another way where children get an opportunity to bond. Parents drop off their children at CM Archana for the evening. Children have a wonderful time as they get together to play games, watch movies, participate in different activities and have fun. An important part of the evening is food!

Annual Picnic

The annual picnic is a great way for all Chinmaya family members to get together and have fun. Age appropriate games are organized and there are many chances to win fabulous prizes. Food is always one of the main attractions and a lot of volunteers work behind the scenes to make this a successful event.

Bala Fest

Stotram, Quiz, Essay and Debate competitions based on what kids are learning.


Gītā Chanting:

The Gītā chanting competition was started by Chinmaya Mission in 1991.The goal is to help children and youth to memorize and chant a selected chapter or set of verses from the Bhagavad Gītā.



Is  year end program where children and young adults showcase what they have learnt throughout the year. Sevaks help kids put together a cultural program for parents. Prizes are distributed to all the winners of various competitions. Sevaks are also honored for their dedication and commitment towards children.

Vedic Graduation

Traditionally, in ancient times, the Guru at the conclusion of formal studies in the Gurukulum sent the students home with a set of
invaluable instructions. These instructions were called shikshavalli, being a distillation of age old wisdom in the form of easy to
memorize summary. The same instruction are to be given to the graduating students and asked to ponder on the importance of shikshavalli and relevance to their life.